Vanilla Sky

Due to my working hours, I get to shoot way more often at sunsets rather than early mornings. Both times of the day are great to shoot, needless to say. Early mornings you can get these soft subtle colours, warm light. On late afternoons there’s more drama, atmosphere and deep contrasts.

Here’s the sequence of 3 images from the same location.

Thank you for stopping by! Are You a sunrise or a sunset person? Any particular reason? Please, leave a comment 🙂


16 replies to “Vanilla Sky

  1. I’m much more a sunset guy. Sunrises are beautiful, and I’m awake for them most of the year (except in like June when the sun is up so early) — but I’m NOT a morning person and am still drinking coffee sufficient for me to function at that time!

  2. Gorgeous. I guess I’m a bit of a drama queen so sunset is more for me. As a photographer anyway. Sunrise is rarer in my case. Something I like to enjoy with a respectful silence and reverence… 😉

    1. Thanks V! If it didn’t depend on my work hours, i think it would be a question of how i’m feeling on that day. Sunrises are also great but i have to say i do prefer the end of the day to photograph.

      1. I have a perfect spot in mind where I want to go and experiment sunsets – or rather evening lights. But it’s an hour-drive away so I have to be sure the sky will be clear (+ plan my return before 6pm… Aaaargh!).

  3. Lovely silhouettes Yur, especially the one talking on her phone.
    Personally, I’m more sunsets person, bcos I’m more active in the evenings than in the early mornings,
    But for photography, I prefer the middle of the days just less in summers, but other seasons, when the sun is low enough but still strong and creates the long shadows and additional geometry.

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