Monday Masters: Nick Turpin

When my fellow photog Chris picked Nick Turpin for our weekly Monday Masters challenge I was just as nervous as I was excited. Along with Matt Stuart, Turpin is one of my favourite contemporary photographers at present, so I was aware of a difficult choice thats in front of me. I have to pick ONE image.

Nick Turpin is a British photographer and a founder of the first international street photography collective “In-Public”. For full bio, click here.

In one of the interviews Turpin describes how freedom of street photography brings him joy and self-content. “It makes me feel special just to be there, not to be chatting or shopping or heading anywhere. I feel like I’m invisible to the passing crowds. This leads to a loss of my sense of self, which is the finest feeling of all.”

I admire his humble approach to his own work and contribution to the society. He’s just an observer who documents life, one frame at a time. ” My personal pictures don’t have to “do” anything. They don’t have to sell in a gallery or sit well beside the ads in a magazine. They don’t easily categorized. They’re not reportage, they are just pictures about life.”

©Nick Turpin

I picked it as my favourite for the following reasons: Its funny – the man’s upper body is lying down however his legs are elegantly crossed. The image is divided in two – a juxtaposition of green grass representing life and freedom vs cold stoned pavement and a perfect leg position, ready to go back to work. Its clean and simple – only important to us information is included in the frame. I can see/imagine a story of a man who can not completely relax ( arms still crossed even when lying down ) or let go of his work that he may hate and he cherishes that coffee break and enjoys a bit of sunshine, yet he’s ready to go back to his office at any moment…

Additional articles on Nick Turpin:

Big thanks for reading guys and if you want to participate, please pick your favourite image and share on twitter with a hashtag #Mondaymasters or on your blog, we’d love to have your link and spread the love.

Till next time.


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