The last sunlight stalkers

Days are getting shorter. We must make the most of the sunlight available to us. It’s not as easy as it seems considering movement restrictions that were put into place recently.

It’s been two weeks since France have gone under another lockdown but as I mentioned before, this one is less strict. As long as you justify why you’re out – you’re fine.

I’d like to justify I am one of them. One of the last sunlight stalkers. We’re here to inhale the last warm seconds of the day. Here to bathe in the last sun rays.


Taken with Fuji X70 in Montpellier

Thank you for visiting,


20 replies to “The last sunlight stalkers

  1. you’re the last sunlight stalker Yuri !
    and you’re a great one
    love the moments and the high contrasts taken.
    Here another craziness in the air – the possible must of vaccinating.
    I’m an anti-vaxxer as sure another 50% of my country who don’t like to put something not checked in to the body.

    1. Thanks Victor, appreciated as always! I do enjoy those last sun rays 🙂

      Well, here only about 15% of French will not vaccinate according to polls… I’m also very sceptical about this but I want to ask you, would you do it if it was tested and approved by Health Organizations and doctors?

      1. I understand however we all still have done the Smallpox/BCG vaccine a long time ago, right?
        I understand it’s everyone’s right and not sure how people would react to a must do vaccination… I do have a few friends though, who work in medical labs and hospitals in Paris and they obviously recommend if it’s approved.

      2. Good to know. Sure i will check better later after some time we will know much more. We all got some vaccines after our birth and asked us if we do.want. And the time was different. And the things were much more sure. Even was the only one newspaper “Pravda” full of fake news and information ;-))

  2. Beautiful pictures, and a nice sentiment too, Yuri. You really made the most of those last few moments of light.

    I especially like the first picture, it really encapsulates a lot about the current situation with the lady in her mask standing in that spot of light while she can.

    1. Thank you Owain, good to see you here as always. As soon as I saw her standing in the spot light I had to rush towards her but not scare her at the same time. It was a beautiful moment 🙂

    1. Thank you and yes, within a kilometer apparently but I don’t know how they check this 🙂 people don’t seem to care much but they have warned us there will be more police checking on the streets.

  3. that first frame, it’s neat the way the sunlight is on the person’s face. It looks like her eyes are closed and she’s soaking up the last rays. In the background, what’s that suspended from the second story, suspended over the square?

    1. Yes, her eyes were closed indeed. She was enjoying those last rays.
      The suspensions are the Christmas decorations. It’s all over the city center already.
      Thanks for stopping by Jason.

    1. Thanks! All the processing is done just before making the images, in camera. I love Fuji for that, you can easily play around with aperture, fstop depending on light conditions on a given moment. In the end i might just crop a little or fix the over exposed bits.

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