Same things, diferent view

As I walk through the same streets, same places, pass by the same historical sites, it can all get a little monotone and boring like for many photographers I think…

I shot it in sunrise and in sunset, in B&W and in color, etc. How else can I make it different and interesting and fresh? All this goes on in my mind when I roam the streets.

Of course, the people factor is always relevant and as long as there is a human subject in a frame, it can give you unpredictability. 

Another good option to consider and the one I am always in search for is reflections. There is also something unpredictable and surprising for me with reflections. 

It remains a challenge which is the main thing. The search for something new and fresh, as I don’t really want a neverending amount of postcard pictures and also refrain from redoing the same shots year after year. 

Do you have any advice on shooting in the same places in your city? How do you keep it interesting for yourself? Please, let me know in the comments.

Thanks for visiting!


10 replies to “Same things, diferent view

  1. Beautiful series of images Yuri. I don’t think that we have to look for different and interesting and fresh, but for something that does express our current mood, so the same place but on a different day and different mood will look different for sure and it’s more interesting and important.

    1. Thanks Victor. Interesting thoughts, so as i understand it’s not by trying hard and searching but by listening to yourself and expressing your feelings at that particular moment can make an interesting photo.

  2. But a lot of times you’re out there on the streets and you do force yourself to be active and keep on shooting, keep creating because inspiration doesn’t fall from the sky. Inspiration comes when you’re active

  3. Victor makes some excellent points, your mood can dictate your photography, and your photography can dictate your mood. Sometimes you go out to photograph brighter things to lift your spirits, sometimes you only see (and want to see) bleaker, darker compositions that are comforting because they match your mood.

    By the way Yuri, I really like the clean, simple design of your blog. So many photography blogs have too many columns, too many ads and social media cluttering up the pages, and perhaps worst of all, tiny images! Well done on avoiding all of these and your blog looking like that of someone who cares about the photographs they make.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Dan, appreciate it!
      Simplicity is exactly what I was going for when picking the design for this blog. A photography blog should be about photography so visual presence of your work is very important in my opinion.

      1. It amazes me how many photography blogs have a poor, cluttered and chaotic design. I mean, if the blog is like that, what does it say about the visual skills of the photographer??

      2. Some people misunderstand and misuse their websites. I’ve seen some cluttered blogs with descent images but was let down how commercial it all looked. People try to appeal to all kind of audience nowadays and that’s a mistake in my opinion

      3. Yeh and the danger also is trying to make one site do too many things.

        I don’t really understand why so many sites seem to force their social media links/pages/profiles in your face. I thought the ultimate aim of having a social media profile was to connect with different people and attract them back to your online “home”, ie your blog/website. Not to push people away when they’ve arrived.

  4. On the occasions that I venture into town, I often have a camera with me, so I set myself a twenty minute challenge to find a few street shots, it keeps me looking for different ideas.

    Another challenge is to perhaps use the square aspect ratio instead of the default, or maybe shoot with a nifty fifty lens wide open.

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